Saturday 20 December 2014

The Power of Trans

I was reading an interview with Eddie Izzard in SFX magazine today.

He was speaking about his role in the new superhero series Powers. When if he had an affinity to superhero stories he replied that "I have the power of trans in my own life. It looks like a massive curse but it's actually a massive blessing. It's genetics and not a choice and that links me to the powers thing."

Wise words and now I see the power of trans as being a bit like Wonder Woman for some reason which reminded me of when I was much younger and my sister had a set of Wonder Woman underwear that I really wanted to try on. It's scary when I think about how far this thing goes back in my life. There's no one incident I can point to as being the beginning so I guess it really is genetics, a fetish or otherwise part of me that was there when I was born.

Eddie Izzard is someone who I really admire too. He dresses exactly how he wants and that's like I want to do. When once asked if he still wore women's clothes he replied that he doesn't, they're his clothes. I know I'll never pass but I don't think I would want to.  I'm not transsexual and I'm happy being a man. I'm also too much of a slob to deal with stuff like make-up and wigs although, oddly enough, the idea of trying it, I mean really giving it a go, even once would be cool. In some ways that's the appeal, immaculate hair, make up and fancy clothes. I'm not saying I would choose to wear feminine clothes every day but it would be nice to have the choice to go out in a dress or skirt and tights one day. I'm probably too old by now to change anyway. Oh, to be young and androgynous these days. You would still need confidence to do these things though and I can't even seem to buy clothes let alone have the confidence to wear them in public but then there's a lot more gender fluidity these days than when I was growing up.

So anyway, I'm hoping to post more regularly here. I'm going to try and post every day for a month and see how I go. Should really have done it at the beginning of December really.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate. Totally. Even down to the quote about Izzard's clothes being Izzard's. And how far back it goes. And what you'd like to do.

    In fact, I was thinking *exactly* that today when out doing some Christmas shopping. My wife had told me to use a £40 budget to get myself something and I very nearly went and got some clothing or make-up or a wig.

    It's the experience, the feeling, the 'having done it' almost? I don't know. Right now, this post is powerful. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to notice it and to comment on it.
